After a little extreme wind/thunderstorms/tornado warning weather this morning, my mom arrived safely from Wisconsin. For a little while I wasn't sure if she was going to make it and I was wondering if I should make plans to have someone else drive me to and from surgery tomorrow (at 6am!). My mom's flight from Green Bay to Milwaukee was delayed to the point where she was going to miss her connecting flight from Milwaukee to Flint where I was going to pick her up, but after some phone calls and rearranging, the airport hired a taxi to drive my mom to Milwaukee with a father and daughter who also had a connecting flight. She lucked out and the weather in Michigan cleared up long enough for her to make her flight to Flint!
Once we got back to Lansing, we had to swap cars with my friend. I love my little VW Cabrio, but it's a little 2 door convertible with a less than luxurious back seat. I was told by the nurse that I'd have to have my leg out and straight on the ride home, so my lovely friend Erica said we could swap cars for a couple days. Now I've got a lovely Vibe with a nice, roomy back seat :)
Finally, Mom and I also made our way to the grocery store. She was nice enough to bring some of my favorite recipes with her, so we stocked up on the supplies we needed for her to do some serious cooking (I think my roommates are happy about it too) :)
So - surgery check-in is at 6am tomorrow with surgery staring at 8am. I'm nervous, and getting more nervous by the minute. I seem to think this whole thing 'won't be so bad', but I'm pretty sure I remember it sucking *a lot* last time. I'm pretty happy my Mom was able to take some time off work to come and help me out - I owe her bunches!
I'll see about getting a blog post up tomorrow once I get settled at home.
Good night!
Wishing you all the BEST Krista!